Mannasim Framework

Common Node Configuration Window

The last window in Mannasim Script Generator tool is the Common Node configuration window. It's the most important dialog since common nodes represents the great majority of the WSN.

Click to enlarge.

The figure above shows common node configuration window (click in the thumbnail to enlarge). IMPORTANT: values defined here applies to all common nodes in the WSN.

Common Node Number
Number of common nodes in the WSN. Default simulation uses 10 common nodes.
Common Node Location
Common nodes location. If random option is set then nodes are randomly distributed over the simulation area. A second choice is to equally distribute the nodes in the WSN, the grid option. Randomly distributed nodes is default.
Initial Energy
Start-up energy provided within common nodes. Initial energy is expressed in joules and by default its set to 10.0 joules.
Common Node Application
Common node application object as defined in Mannasim implementation (see Common Node class definition in Mannasim Framework Classes Documentation). Provides a new instance of a common node in simulation scenario.
Processing Type
Specifies how sensed data should be processed (see Processing class definition in Mannasim Framework Classes Documentation). Aggregate Processing is the default specialized processing provided within Mannasim Framework. The user is encouraged to create new ones.
Transmission Range
Communication range for common nodes. Default range is set to 50.0 meters.
Dissemination Type
Dissemination type for processed data. Three kinds of dissemination are provided: Continuous, On Demand and Programmed (default).
Dissemination Interval
Time interval between two consecutive data dissemination. Time defined in seconds. On demand dissemination don't makes use of this parameter and for continuous dissemination the interval should be as small as possible (0.001s for example). Default value is set to 20.0 seconds.
Sensing Type
Sensing type specifing how the sensor node should gather data. Three sensing types are provided: Continuous, On Demand and Programmed (default).
Sensing Interval
Time interval between two consecutive data sensing tasks. Time defined in seconds. On demand dissemination don't makes use of this parameter and for continuous dissemination the interval should be as small as possible (0.001s for example). Default value is set to 5.0 seconds.
Data Generator Type
Specifies the kind of syntehic data should be produced during simulation time (see Data Generator class definition in Mannasim Framework Classes Documentation). Temperature and carbon monoxide data generators are provided within Mannasim Framework. These generators create data based on Gaussian Distribution. The user is encouraged to create new ones. Temperature data generator is set as default.
Data Average Value
Average value used in Gaussian Distribution equation. Default value is set to 25.0 celsius degrees.
Data Standard Deviation
Standard Deviation value used in Gaussian Distribution equation. Default value is set to 5.0 celsius degrees.
Maximum Data Value
Generated data maximum allowed value. This parameter is used in event-driven WSN applications. Default value is set to 30.0 celsius degrees.